One time array loop

Lê Bảo Bảo
2 min readMar 29, 2022
Ohhhh my God! Loop, Loop and Loop again…

Today, we will discuss about a mistake that many developers have made:

Map, then Map and Map again…

The story started with calling an api:

const arrMessages = await api.get(“/messages/get-last-room-messages”, {room_id: 123})

The array arrMessages is a list of about 50 data items.

Now, the first Map: rename keys in the data items

const arrMessageViews = => {return {roomId: item.room_id, userId: item.user_id, content: item.content}})

Next, the second Map: add user info

const arrWithUserMessageViews = => {return {roomId: item.roomId, userId: item.userId, content: item.content, username: Users[item.userId]}})

The last Map: view messages in JSX

let i = 0
{ => { return (<p key={i++}><div>{item.username}: {item.content}</div></p>)})}

The arrMessages map, map and map multiple times just to modify data and view. Ohhh noooo….

So, how to get better now?

Good news is I have a solution for this habit: npm install loopable

With this package we just loop the array one time for all!

How to do this?

import {make} from “loopable”
const arrMessages = api.get(“/messages/get-last-room-messages”, {room_id: 123})
const loopable =
make(arrMessages) //Make it loopable

With the first map, we just add a modifier:

loopable.add(item => {return {roomId: item.room_id, userId: item.user_id, content: item.content}})

The second one, just add second modifier:

loopable.add(item => {return {roomId: item.roomId, userId: item.userId, content: item.content, username: Users[item.userId]}})

The last one, just loop:

loopable.loop((item, index) => { return (<p key={index}><div>{item.username}: {item.content}</div></p>)})

So, with this package the array only loop one time and modified multiple times.

Delicious! :)

P/S: After call loopable.loop, the first array arrMessages also modified. So we can use it again.


#loopable #onetimeloop #reactjs

